BHpod EP:37 - Guest Frank Johnson

10 months ago


In this conversation, we discuss various topics including Title IX changes, false accusations of rape, the stigma around reporting rape, and the disconnect between the internet world and the real world. We also touch on the upcoming election and the low voter motivation on both sides. The hosts express their frustration with the current state of politics and the lack of enthusiasm among voters.

Sound Bites

"The rewriting of Title IX equates sex with gender identity, erasing women's rights."

"The transgender movement is a fad that may fade away or reach a critical mass."

"The fantasy world of detached individuals will face painful reality."

"Every false accusation of rape should have the exact same punishment as what they are accusing someone of."

"If there's one thing that they should change in this country about rape, and that's the stigma about being raped, that the girls are ashamed to report it."

"No one is wanting to vote, cares. This is from the people that are interested. And my question is, I keep getting told this is the most important election of my lifetime. If that's true, why doesn't anyone think so?"


00:00 Introduction and Background

07:33 The Potential Chaos of Fluid Definitions

28:47 Moving Beyond Partisan Divides

37:17 The Ongoing Issue of False Accusations

44:21 The Disconnect Between the Internet World and the Real World

54:02 Low Voter Motivation in the Upcoming Election

01:00:29 Closing Thoughts

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