"conspiracy" consumption is toxic after awhile; go breathe the polluted air!

9 months ago

did yawl like that cliff hanger
hopefully my life is interesting enough to not require drama
sorry, i just had to complicate it
most should be subtracting but instead they're adding
wny would they understand the sum of those parts when they don't even understand the parts themselves
was it really alexander graham bell tho
i don't think that human beings are capable of a lotta these inventions
i've always been conspiratorial, i don't need any help
the Kingdom of Heaven is inside you
when do i not talk/sing in circles
my cat will meow at the door until she forgets that i'm out here
programmed to kill, david mcgowan
women are obsessed w/ a lotta unnecessary details
plz bitch leave, i wanna play video games
my mom n i are total opposites
i probably shouldn't have told my dad this information
i'm just a wee bit reckless
why would they take the keys n not car silly head
i dig this blue light cos it's very spaceship esque
i added to this wall cos my mgr gave me these labor law posters
racists would not last a week in the restaurant industry so...
the whole time i played DDR i felt like such a moron but i wanted to fit in w/ the theatre crowd
i have so many toys now thanks to the kit nip boxes
whatever i was planning on talking about...

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