💰 BIDENOMIC: Economy | CLIMATE COMMUNISM | Endless BILLION Dollar Laundering

5 months ago

UCLA professor and author Scott Galloway warns young people that the 'social compact is breaking down': UCLA professor warns young people are 'opting out of America' as inflation destroys their wealth. "The pool of emotionally and economically viable men is shrinking every day, which reduces household formation. So we have a problem. Young people are angry," says Professor Scott Galloway.

The UCLA professor told MSNBC's Morning Joe that young people are struggling to achieve the American dream thanks to high inflation and bad policies that are eroding their wealth and preventing them from starting families. "For the first time in our nation's history, a 30-year-old ... isn't doing as well as their parents did at 30. This is the social compact breaking down," marketing professor Scott Galloway said on Wednesday.

"For the first time in our nation's history, a 30-year-old isn't doing as well as their parents did at 30. People are opting out of America because, frankly, they're pissed off, they see extraordinary wealth in my generation and they're really struggling". "Because, frankly, they're pissed off. They see extraordinary wealth in my generation and people in certain industries and they're really struggling.

Joe Biden is an arch criminal. He's corrupt to the core, but he's been found mentally unfit to stand trial. Like all Democrats, he can do whatever he wants and get away with it. The deep state swamp (including the FBI) will protect him. He knows he can sell us out to Communist China and face no consequences. Joe is a globalist - a senile version of Klaus Schwab. I'm sure he'll be hawking bug ice cream if he gets a second term.

Thanks to the disastrous policies of the Communist Democrats, our country is going to hell in a hand basket. Biden is currently touring the country touting the success of 'Bidenomics'. Nothing could be further from the truth. Under Bidenomics, America has become poorer and more indebted. Average credit card debt is up 46%. Prices continue to rise, with food leading the way. Yes, Bidenomics is working, Joe, it is working to make the lives of Americans more miserable.

Biden takes wealth from hard-working Americans and redistributes it to illegal border crossers and undocumented workers. His oft-repeated slogan 'pay your fair share' is straight out of the Marxist Democrat playbook. Biden never says exactly what your 'fair share' is - and who decides what's fair? Did Hunter Biden pay his fair share? What about Nancy Pelosi or Jim Biden? Joe and Congress seem more concerned with sending our tax dollars to Ukraine - the most corrupt country in the world. Money is also being wasted on promoting this 'trans' nonsense. A man can't become a woman and vice versa. End of story.

The insanity will continue because the criminals in charge will not remove the criminals in charge. The Deep State Swamp will protect itself from its enemy, We The People, and will almost certainly try to steal the election - again - this November. They don't care if Americans can't afford to eat or pay their rent. All they care about is their power.

Biden's popularity is at an all-time low, but that doesn't mean he won't be president again. That's why a new Covid virus is being introduced. Soon, Joe will mandate masks while telling us how to get a vaccine that he will declare 'safe and effective'. Lockdowns and social distancing will follow. More small businesses will go under. Joe's stolen 2020 election and the events leading up to it will be repeated. Many blindly obeyed the 'authorities' last time and did as they were told. Let's hope many more people decide to say "No" and resist!

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