The Extra Linens | Alirien Builds Alyce Pestle [5]

9 months ago

Hey, y'all!
Here is Part 5 of making Alyce Pestle which is all about the tie-on pockets, the apron, and the St. Birgitte Cap.
All three of these pieces were made out of the same linen I used for the shift from Burnley & Trowbridge. The pockets and cap were drafted by myself (with help from videos on YouTube from Bernadette Banner and Morgan Donner), and the apron was from Butterick pattern 5509.
We have one piece left from the original construction process: the full-length hooded cloak! Stay tuned!
Portals to Other Realms:

Pockets 0:00-7:44
Apron 7:44-20:03
Cap 20:03-29:03
Reveal 29:03-33:30

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