The Student Loan Debt Solution NO ONE Wants to Talk About | The Federal Government Problem

9 months ago

Student Loan Debt is a major issue in our politics, with the debt ballooning and calls for debt forgiveness rising.
But all of that ignores not on the foundation of the student debt crisis, but the one simple solution that no one wants to talk about!
Here, we'll show the background of the issue, how it increased under Carter, and exploded under Obama, but how the ROOT of the issue is the Federal Government.
Massive increased in Federal grants and loans have removed any capitalistic pressure on Universities to be frugal with their money. Much like Healthcare where unlimited Federal money, lack of competition, lack of transparency, and a captured buyer group has lead to unlimited price increased, Education is unbounded by the laws of economics because Federal grants and loans skew the numbers.
The solution is shockingly easy - eliminate federal grants and loans, require transparency, and allow the market to dictate the prices. But, of course, no politician has the guts to stand up and state the obvious.

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