Biden Reminds Us After Signing $95 Billion Foreign Aid Bill That The U.S. Border Still Isn't Secure

9 months ago

Having solved all other problems on the domestic front, this morning President Biden spoke about the $95 billion foreign aid bill he signed this morning. There are billions of reasons many politicians would like to make sure nobody knows all the details about the Ukraine portion of this round of foreign aid spending, but what isn't it the package is any money to secure the U.S. border that's been open ever since Biden took office -- a fact he mentioned during today's remarks after the bill signing. The "security package" does nothing for U.S. security? Shocker. Biden could simply reinstitute the measures that were in place when he took office, but they were undone in January of 2021 and DHS Secretary Mayorkas even bragged about it at the time:

• More at: Twitchy - Biden Reminds Us After Signing $95 Billion Foreign Aid Bill That the US Border Still Isn't Secure

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