Education IS Indoctrination

5 months ago

They Teach You How To Obey And Just Enough Basics To Make You Good Worker Bees For The Hive. It Is Always Up To Individual To Excel Themselves. They Will Always Find Resistance In Advancing Even Following The Status Quo As The Vetting Process. This Just Cures & Solidifies The Previous Programming. Making Sure Their Goals/Ideas For "Success" Never Wander Beyond The Boundaries Of The Societal Status Quo. Any That Do. Get Brought Back In Line Through "Therapy" Or Other Means, Or They Are Ostracized & Replaced. As Long As They Are Making Enough Money To Be Considered "Successful". They Seldom Seek Anything Deeper In Life, Unless They Have a Traumatic Experience To Shake The Brainwashing. Crack Open Their Box. So To Speak. I'D Say 80% Or More, Never Do Though. They Go To Their Grave Having Sleepwalked Their Entire Life Away.

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