Joe Biden Posts A Video Of President Donald Trump NOT Saying To Inject Bleach

9 months ago

I went off on the Charlottesville hoax Monday — the claim that President Donald Trump had called neo-Nazis "very fine people." He didn't — he condemned them specifically — but that didn't stop pathological liar Joe Biden from using the hoax to launch his campaign. I did a post earlier on the fear that a second Trump term would be "vitriolic and vengeful," and I'm all for it. Cable news went wall-to-wall with coverage of the Russian collusion scandal, which was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign. Whatever intern is running the @JoeBiden account really needs to step up his game. "Four years ago today, Trump told Americans to inject bleach on national television." "Don't vote for the guy who told you to inject bleach." And they run this on top of a 30-second clip in which Trump never says the word "bleach" and never advises anyone to inject themselves with anything.

Joe Biden @JoeBiden: “Don’t inject bleach. And don’t vote for the guy who told you to inject bleach.” -- Biden-Harris HQ @BidenHQ: “Four years ago today, Trump told Americans to inject bleach on national television.” -- Don't vote for the pathological liar who will lie about where his son died to pander to the audience at hand. Where's the video of Trump telling people to inject themselves with bleach? No, he didn't assert that people should inject bleach. Claiming otherwise is a lie. The video proves you're lying. 🤡 Community notes is gonna nuke this one rather quickly. 😂 Just like you all claimed Ivermectin was poisonous horse paste. The media went along with that one, with CNN picking up on "horse paste."

Trump didn't tell anyone to drink bleach, but you did say this. -- He never said that, you lying POS. But you know that and you’re posting disinformation intentionally. You literally posted the video that disproves this claim… 🤦🏼‍♀️ Doesn’t matter how many times you repeat the lie, it’s still a lie. And if @X was truly on the side of truth, they’d @CommunityNotes you into oblivion. Nowhere in the video does he say “inject bleach.” You should take the One Day Honesty Challenge. Go one day without lying or spreading a hoax. Can you do it? You people will continue to lie when the truth is right in front of your face. You people will continue to lie when the truth is right in front of your face.

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