Kremlin reaction to US Ukraine funding. Peskov and Volodin want to have their cake and eat it too

9 months ago

Kremlin reaction by Peskov and Volodin to US Ukraine funding, excerpted from Crux news video 22 April 2024.

The bill passed the House of Representatives on Saturday 20 April. Reaction from Russia was swift, on 22 April. On 23 April the bill passed the Senate, and was signed into law by the President on Wednesday 24 April.

Here we record the reactions of Duma member Volodin and Putin's mouthpiece Dmitri Peskov. Peskov and Volodin want to have their cake and eat it too.

Peskov said it was “nothing less than the demolition of all the foundations of the economic system” and “an attack on state property, state assets and private property.”

“This can’t be perceived as anything other than illegal actions and, accordingly, they will be subject to retaliatory actions and legal proceedings.”


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