Sand Words

10 months ago

Sand Words

Just like Tibetan sand mandalas, our words are permanently impermanent. It won't take long before our books are gone, and as such they are as fleeting, futile and precious as anything that humans have put forward. Join us on our exploration of authorless publishing, where writers contribute without namecheck or credit to our works, acknowledging the beauty and power that lies in our impermanence and brevity of being. No more affiliation with titles and esteem, no more writing for recognition and pretence. Sand Words is writing just because it is possible, at this very moment. It is possible if your words make it onto our beach before the next wave or tide strikes, rendering sentences illegible. By publishing anonymously, the full editorial responsibility - and culpability - remains with the publisher, strengthening the idea of a publishing house, and liberating the writer.

The first Sand Words book will be freely available open access for schools and libraries, and will be called Peace not Pea-shh! - Make some Noise for Peace and is an attempt to bring the dream of peace to life for a younger audience - children, young adults, and those among us who have aged prematurely in a world at war and are looking for a better way for humanity.
We are seeking nameless contributions through words, chapters, essays, poems, or other forms of verbal output relating to the cause of loud peace.

Email your words, comments or questions to:

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