Large Group of Voters Are Not Happy With Trump or Biden

10 months ago

Haley voters for Biden target GA for anti-Trump effort. The polling data they claim is that Americans don’t want either candidate on a daily basis. Polling showing it is getting worse and Trump is on the upside. Last night PA had a primary. Nikki Haley got 77K votes in the GA republican party primary after she had already dropped out of the race. GA has open primaries, and there is a lot of talk that democrats voted for her and the GA uniparty. Last night in PA she tallied 156K votes. It is a closed primary in PA, not a crossover vote. Trump is having rallies. They are not working anymore. The team that is running Trump’s campaign are not on top of their game. The corruption in the network is pushing his poll numbers down. The court is looking bad, no matter the situation if you are in court it is bad. Here is where we are at. PA had a senator, Toomey, that voted for Trump’s impeachment. They have what is called the ring counties around Philly, they are wealthy people and moderates voting for Haley. And you have Casey and McCormick to face each other in a PA high stakes US Senate contest. McCormick ran last time, he lost and challenged Dr. Oz. McCormick is a world citizen, globalist as they come. Don’t think that these globalists get up in the morning and decide they like Trump. The globalists aren’t concerned if Trump wins or not. TIMESTAMP: we have an enormous group in GA that is determined that Trump will not win. When you have the first lady, Marty Kemp, saying that Trump has not won her vote. Marty follows Brian around everywhere.
They are going to set 3 areas that are Trump's fault: the border, democracy, and abortion.
There is a hard group of support for Biden and a hard group of support for Trump. There is a group in the middle that doesn't want either candidate. Trump is going down hill with moderate republicans. Moderates can’t bring themselves over to Biden right now. They are saying give me someone to vote for. About the time of the convention and Trump is the nominee, the democrats during their convention will change their nominee. There are world leaders meeting with Trump. That is why Democrats have to give people someone to vote for, they will take out Biden. The core democrat base will shift without a problem and the moderate will be ok with voting for the next candidate.
Delegates find out who your delegates are. We have 14 congressional districts that send 3 delegates. The GA GOP has delegates at large. You need to find out if your delegates vote yes for Donald Trump as the nominee and will not participate in any rule change that will remove Donald Trump.

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