9 months ago

1 Corinthians 12:12 New King James Version
12 For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.

There was something about not just reading this morning's devotional, but also and rereading this passage of scripture, that not only made me re-see something not just about this passage of scripture but examine something about myself that I needed to examine. That all those in the body of Christ, no matter their physical, mental, emotional disability, their skin color, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, or anything else about them, that all of us who know Christ is savior, no matter who we are or where we're from, we are part of the body of Christ, and that's what should matter. That we are created all uniquely, wonderfully, and beautifully, and we need to start valuing each other in this aspect.

Tonight, my friends, I'd like to share some things that God showed me from his word, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share with you will help you understand how important it is to value every member of Christ’s body, no matter who they are, where they're from, or ANYTHING about them. Company in this blog tonight my friends and learn the valuable truth that everything and everyone is beautiful in Christ Jesus! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with these final questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that they will challenge you to value and cherish each and every member of Christ's body.

How have you been blessed by others’ unique gifts?

How can churches encourage diverse ways to serve?

I felt very led of the Lord to echo something that I shared last year, and I pray that you will listen to this. I pray that we will learn to stop the arrogant “I'm better than you!” attitude and learn to show genuine appreciation and respect to the “lower decks people.” It's time that we as the body of Christ, learn to get over ourselves, and realize that we are no better than anyone else within the body of Christ itself, and that includes YOU! Learn to respect and honor those seemingly insignificant, less important members of the church, and treat them with the honor and respect that they deserve. Let's start encouraging the “lower decks people” within the church and let them know how valuable and special in Christ they truly are!



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