2024 is an open door

10 months ago

2024 is an open door

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
22th of April 2024 10.18

2024 is an open door. The door is open for My Bride to enter Her seat.
Come sit at My banquet for the wedding is near.

What kind of wedding would you ask some of you?

This is the wedding where you are going to invite those no one wants to invite.

Look to your streets, sideways and byways. The poor, the paralyzed, the blind, the sick, the deaf, the most unwanted. It is your family and friends.

Keep your hearts from judging others otherwise you self will be judged.

I Am no respecter of persons so what gives you the right to judge?

I gave you the parable of a king who forgave his servant of his debt so don't be the evil servant who didn't want to forgive his co-servant.

Don't judge others no matter how wrong you think they are. It is not your job. It's My part.

Keep your hearts clean from judgemental attitude towards others.
It breaks My heart that you have hardened your hearts.

I Am the only One to judge. I Am the only one to revenge.
I Am the only one who can send people to Hell.

Leave the judgment to Me. I, The Most High, Your God. To those who are judging others will be judged in the same way you are judging others. Repent from it and bless your neighbors.

I Am The King of all Earth and the fullness of it. There is an open door for you who have clean hands and clean hearts.
2024 is an open door for My Remnants and My Bride. 2024 is an open door for more. More than enough, overflowing with milk and honey.
I Am calling out My Joseph's, I Am calling out My Esther's, Daniel's, David's and many more of My chosen servants.

Take your positions. How do you position yourself before Me? Stay humble before Me and obey every commands and statutes that I have already said in My Word.
Listen to My Son Yeshua Hamasiach. Look at Him, your Redeemer, your salvation, your kinsman, your peace, your love and your Revelation.

I have already sent My Angel Armies to the Earth from My Throne room.

Soon you will see My glory, My glory, My glory.
Soon you will see the shakings of biblical proportions. The Heaven and the Earth is mine says the Lord of Host.

Matthew 7:1-5
Do not judge and criticize and condemn others, so you may not be judge and criticized and condemned yourselves.

Luke 14:1-15
But when you give a banquet or a reception, invite the poor, the disabled, the lame and the blind.

Psalm 24:1
The Earth is the Lord's, and the fullness of it, the world and they who dwell in it.
Propheticword, forgiveness, open, door, Jesus, Faith, Prayer, Year, judge,

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