A Rising Hope

5 months ago

At first I stood in disbelief as you killed one of my friends
Now so many dead friends later seems this shit will never end
I see what you did there got us fighting amongst ourselves
As your genetic poisons just flew off of the shelves

You changed the definitions of our words so many times
You even changed our laws to try to legitimize your crimes.
You sowed these divisions, this was never about health.
It was always just a game you played to amass your wealth.

And as your darkness grew, blocking out the light.
You took so much from us, we lost the will to fight.
But now I hear the sound of the swinging gallows rope.
I can see a new day dawning. I can feel the rising hope.

Millions of our loved ones now lie rotting in their graves.
Their deaths taught us a lesson, never be silent or behave.
We've had enough of all you fools who tell us to obey
We've sacrificed enough, paid all the dues we'll ever pay

You've already planned the sequel, you've played it like a game
Do really the think the survivors will be fooled just the same
as your fallen victims, our friends that we watched die
Like we haven't learned a damn thing, so we'll believe your lies.

I hate too break it to you, but only you believe your lies
those you wish to kill, see you through wiser eyes
and our ears can clearly hear the nearing gallows rope
and in our souls revealed the steel of an ever rising hope

You've hid the truth and all along you lied right to our face
You committed these crimes against the whole damn human race.
IT's getting clear we all can hear justice drawing near
You made us live alone in fear and silence all these years

What can your money buy you, when all we want is your last breath.
Did you really think you'd never pay the price for every death
Did you think you'd fool the world and get away with it all.
You thought you'd rule the world and that you would never fall

Can you hear the bell toll? you know it tolls for thee
Your name is cursed as the worst for all eternity.
The hopium and copium you smoked it all like dope
I can see you've never faced a foe fueled by a rising hope

To right these wrongs we must first stand and wipe away our tears
We must all find the strength to become the monsters that we fear
From our weakness and depression we must each find the will
To rise against this evil, we must find the strength to kill

Good bye and good riddance to you and all you've ever loved
we are coming from below and we are coming from above.
We'll strip you of your wealth as we strip you of your skin
We'll tear you limb from to find what evil lurks within

I will not look away or turn a blind eye blind to their crime.
History may repeat self, but not this fuckin' time.
We must bring them to justice, bring them to the gallows rope
A rising tide we can't deny drawn by this rising hope.

History will judge us all in the coming years
Did our actions bring us freedom or bring the world to tears
Whether you bury me where I fall or hang me from a rope
I thank God for this life, this time, this fight, and this rising hope

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