We help without teddy bears!

10 months ago

One of the few pro-shot concerts by the legendary musician Fela Kuti with his band Africa 70, which played for the Berlin Jazz Festival in 1978. Fela was a social activist and leader who fought for freedom and justice in Nigeria. He died in 1997.
DVD from the "Fela Kuti Anthology"
What makes afrobeats?
Afrobeat is a combination of American funk and jazz paired with West African highlife and the percussion and vocal traditions of Yoruba music. It first became popular in Lagos in 1968. The Nigerian Fela Kuti is the best-known Afrobeat artist.
°You won't believe what Ugandan men say about African Americans" @WillieFungo
"In this video we are going to ask Ugandan men what they think about black Americans. This video is just for fun, don't take it too seriously."
>Can you ever imagine such a well-made video on ÖR-TV in Europe?
The saying: "yes beyond Africa" is completely out of the question here!
From my experience, spontaneous answers are the most honest, then they always correct and embellish ("didn't mean it that way" and the like)Period
Some (well-considered?) comments but still from yout..:
- What you see on TV in a negative way is not what constitutes all black Americans. There are some good-hearted and moral people who live there. And there are people who are not upstanding. Just like in every country in the world.
- "Africans often ask, "Why didn't African Americans go back to Africa to help them?" In the time of colonization.
The African Americans would have gone back to Africa to help the Africans. But they had their own problems and political struggles to deal with in America. White America was happy and enjoyed the benefits it received from and took from African Americans. African Americans lost their right to vote. Millions of African Americans were not allowed to vote in the former 13 Confederate states. Thousands were also not allowed to vote in most northern states. In almost all northern states in America, African Americans were represented by white American candidates. It was not until the 1950s that there were black representatives in the US Congress again, whether in state governments or in the federal government.
Even African Americans could obtain US passports. Almost every colonized part of Africa did not issue visas to African Americans in the 1900s, 1920s and 1960s. African Americans were told that they had no known relatives in those areas, had no business or did not have enough money to visit Africa as a tourist and that they had to have a round trip ticket plus 1,200.00 British pounds. During this period. Where a British pound was worth 5.23 USD. This meant that an African American had to have 6,276 US dollars.

The average income for most African Americans in the 1920's was $2,100.00 per year. If they had had 20 years at Ford Motor Co. In the American South, most African Americans cleared less than $600.00 per year.
The "Jim Crow" laws in America meant that African Americans were doomed to live in poverty. And they did.
89% or more of African American businesses were indirectly owned by criminal groups to "launder" money. So there was no banking or financial support for almost all black-owned businesses in America. Forbearance loans for African Americans were almost never granted.
From the 1920s to the 1970s, 92% of all African American music and hits were owned and copyrighted by white American entertainment companies. Most African Americans received only 2% royalties for their art."
-"Do not use the term "Black American" (BA). Just refer to the group as Africans. Then we can all meet halfway via a UBUNTU interface. When a continental African uses the term "Black" not for themselves, but for other members of the same race who live outside of physical Africa, it is a problem and a mindset issue that requires a paradigm shift. The source of what I am talking about leads to division, misunderstanding and negative stereotypes."
5 months ago
"The N-word is culturally specific to those black societies in America that abolished translational slavery. An African from the continent using the N-word would not necessarily see it as derogatory."
We will be beeping more videos from @WillieFungo slightly shortened and subtitled in German!
This one next: @WillieFungo "You Won't Believe Mbarara, Uganda in 2023".
We think this is our contribution to international understanding...Annalena is not so good at it! We help without teddy bears!
Thanks for watching!

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