Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 4-24-24 – House Speaker Mike Johnson’s Descent into Darkness

9 months ago

When House Speaker Mike Johnson first started acting against his purported Christian and conservative principles, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. The first couple contrary issues were small, so I thought, “Okay, there may be a good reason for this, so I’ll not condemn rashly.” Now I’m not a crazy political junkie, but I read a wide variety of news sources, primarily alternative and Christian. I also still look at Drudge and Fox News to directly see the faux conservative mindset. It was difficult to miss Johnson’s slide coming at me as it did from every direction. What had been a man widely lauded as principled because of his deep Christian faith had become this political person simply not holding that line. What the heck?

This Commentary is not intended as a hit piece, so I hope it doesn’t come off that way. It is intended to examine what seems to be the real-time downfall of this man purported to have once been a very solid Christian.

The transcript for this audio commentary is available at my website blog under the post with the same title:

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

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