MIND CONTROL: Which One Are You?

5 months ago

Problem - Reaction - Solution = A theory postulated by David Icke in which the government (or another higher power) i.e The Ruling Class manipulates the population by introducing a problem and then using their own means to solve that problem.

Lets break it down...

The problem usually includes us to pay EXTRA money to solve the problem which didn't require extra money in the first place as the problem was created 'in the first place' by THEM. Why? to slowly reduce humanities independence away from the governing body which both profits and controls your thoughts.

TAKE THE TEST: Ask a member of the family there thoughts on a particular subject currently on the main-stream news. If a difference in the narrative becomes apparent ask why they think like that; there's no need to fall out, as this is a programming trick called division. Social division is a very potent way of causing arguments which is natural to avoid as you care too much to fall out. In short we keep quiet for a 'so called' better life; in truth we are actually are not helping humanity question what is actually keeping humanities natural progressment from moving to a higher consciousness. A higher and collective consciousness is the ultimate weapon to fight our ruling class as this requires a heart, empathy and love as our current ruling class encourage war, arguments and division which require no heart, no empathy and no love; all so they can bring in wars which ends with less money in our pockets and less of a life.

This is how our ruling class get us to accept what should NOT be be classed as normal, right until you wake up and wonder how it got to the current state of affairs.

Todays world it's getting harder for members of the family & friends to talk about this kind of psychology due to 'Cognitive Dissidence', which when broken down comes down to your level of consciousness. In other words if you notice you can't talk to people about a sensitive subject without them disagreeing and your adamant you see something nefarious (not good); in truth you have actually evolved to a higher consciousness than the person(s) you become to debate, and that's natural human progressment; what we should be doing.

What are your thoughts on this topic?

(COMMENT BELOW) I always encourage debate on my findings (below). Want to see what the global audience think; then join further debates with me on X/Twitter here: https://twitter.com/Unlearning1

Once your ready to wind-down, why not join my Frequency, Meditation & Sound Sleep YouTube Channel here for the BEST NIGHT SLEEP: www.youtube.com/@_soundsleep
Love & Peace

[MIRRORED] from https://www.bitchute.com/video/3fP5e0U5fNf2/ with thanks to Conservative Politics,anti-NWO,anti-left/socialist for sharing.

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