Must Watch! Quran Corrects Biblical Errors!

8 months ago

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You are about to read volume one of two volumes. Together Sex & Allah volume I & II cover the extensive subject of sexuality and Islam. For your convenience I decided to divide Sex & Allah into two practical volumes. Volume two continues where volume one ends. This first volume starts off giving you unique knowledge about pre-Islamic sexual practices and regulations, and will gradually narrow down to the founder and role model of Islam, Muhammad, showing in great detail his influence in the development, formation and implementation of sexual rules and regulations in Islam. May I recommend you, after finishing this first volume to continue exploring the incredible Islamic logic regarding sexuality. The second volume continues with sex in Muhammad’s universe, his special privileges, takes you through the intriguing Islamic inter space between human and non human: sexual activities of jinns, Satan, angels, and will finally leave you with prospects of infinite sex within the realms of the Islamic hereafter. Please take a note that any translation that is not showing the name of the translator next to the Quran verse or Hadith, for sure is a Christian Prince translation.

A Series of (10) Audio MP3s on relevant and popular topics with 10 Daily Confessions (declarations) each backed by Scripture with background music that you can continuously...

Quran Corrects Biblical Errors! Unraveling Historical and Scientific Inaccuracies
Explore the fascinating debate between the Quran and the Bible as we delve into historical, scientific, and theological discrepancies. From correcting biblical narratives to addressing misconceptions, this insightful discussion sheds light on the differences between these sacred texts. Join us as we navigate through the realms of religion and scholarship to uncover the truths and challenges within Islam and Christianity. #Quran #Bible #IslamicScholarship #ReligiousDebate #HistoricalErrors #ScientificInaccuracies #TheologicalDifferences #IslamicPerspective #BiblicalContradictions #ReligiousDiscussion #TruthSeeking

1. Quranic critique of biblical errors
2. Islamic perspective on biblical discrepancies
3. Differences between Quran and Bible
4. Quran's correction of historical mistakes
5. Quranic perspective on biblical narratives
6. Scientific inaccuracies in the Quran
7. Quranic refutation of biblical claims
8. Quran vs Bible contradictions
9. Quranic criticism of biblical texts
10. Comparative analysis Quran vs Bible
11. Islamic view on biblical errors
12. Quranic insights on biblical stories
13. Historical inaccuracies in the Quran
14. Quranic interpretation of biblical events
15. Quranic explanation for biblical contradictions
16. Quranic perspective on biblical figures
17. Quranic narrative corrections
18. Islamic understanding of biblical teachings
19. Quran's correction of biblical misconceptions
20. Quranic viewpoint on biblical history
21. Quran vs Bible historical discrepancies
22. Quranic critique of biblical inaccuracies
23. Quran's rebuttal to biblical claims
24. Quranic response to biblical contradictions
25. Quranic analysis of biblical verses
26. Quranic commentary on biblical errors
27. Quranic explanations for biblical discrepancies
28. Quranic perspectives on biblical interpretations
29. Quranic viewpoint on biblical prophecies
30. Quran vs Bible textual contradictions
31. Quran's perspective on biblical miracles
32. Quranic refutation of biblical myths
33. Quran's correction of biblical misinterpretations
34. Quran vs Bible theological differences
35. Quran's correction of biblical teachings
36. Islamic criticism of biblical stories
37. Quranic examination of biblical scriptures
38. Quran vs Bible narrative disparities
39. Quranic interpretation of biblical messages
40. Quran's response to biblical inaccuracies
41. Quran vs Bible discrepancies debunked
42. Quranic insights into biblical allegories
43. Quran's correction of biblical misconstruals
44. Islamic rebuttal of biblical errors
45. Quranic analysis of biblical parables
46. Quran vs Bible textual errors
47. Quranic explanations for biblical contradictions
48. Quran's perspective on biblical laws
49. Quranic examination of biblical morality
50. Quran vs Bible misconceptions clarified

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