DETACH from the Outcome and watch it Manifest

9 months ago

Whenever you put too much importance on your girlfriend/boyfriend or get overly attached to your partner, it repels them away.

And if you notice that if you are completely desperate and needy in a relationship it repels them away from you. Desperation, excess attachment, and neediness are not attractive, it's repulsive.

The same principle applies to the LAW of ATTRACTION.

Whenever you are trying to manifest something, detach yourself from the outcome.

Only when you detach yourself, you release that desperate or overly attached energy towards your manifestation.

When you get overly attached you create excess potential (As termed in Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland). And the universe sends out balancing forces to take away this excess potential.

Essentially, not giving you what you wished for and this is the reason why people try soooo damn hard and are still unable to manifest their desired reality.

The problem is they are trying too hard. You must not try so HARDD. Instead, just be the desired version of yourself that attracts everything that you desire.

This happens only when you detach yourself from the outcome and align yourself to this higher vibrational frequency or to the frequency of the things that you want to manifest.

So do all the inner work, let go, live in the present moment and detach from the outcome. Once you detach from the outcome, you'll watch your manifestations come to life.

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