This is How You DON'T Play Motorstorm Apocalypse - Wreck, Overheat, Restart, & Failure - TiHYDP 223

8 months ago

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02:50:34 - PS5 Cloud 2022
02:53:15 - Comments

Phil plays Motorstorm, and crashes a lot. Tons of rage in this 3 hour car wrecking montage. I didn't feel like making over 800 text elements in Vegas, so I downloaded a free counter app on the windows store and made that a source in obs, and counted that way while watching my finished tihydp at x3 speed so it's only 1 mouse clip to count 1 death instead of doing a bunch of extra steps like I've been doing. I wish I thought of that idea sooner, as this is way faster, but shorter death montages (less than 100 fails) will be made the old way. I see there's a way to have OBS do it itself, but it requires Python & coding, but it's probably easier than it looks, but I went with the use of a counter app as a source since I got that working easily. I'll mess with that later, If i can adjust the font and make it bold and with a black box behind it, that would be perfect.
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TiHYDPs KingDDDuke (Newest to Oldest) This is How You DON'T Play created by KingDDDuke Playlist featuring DSPGaming Edited Phailthroughs Old and New -

TiHYDP by KingDDDuke Playlist -

TiHYDPs KingDDDuke (Oldest to Newest) This is How You DON'T Play created by KingDDDuke Playlist featuring DSPGaming Edited Phailthroughs Old and New -

#MotorstormApocalypse #TiHYDP #thisishowyoudontplay

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