The Modern Knights Episode 12 God's Judgement

10 months ago

Dive into a profound exploration of divine judgment with the Modern Nights podcast. Hosts Luke Jones and Nico Calderon challenge the popular notions of a 'safe' God,
dissecting the nature of God's love and its inseparable connection to his role as a just judge. With a powerful clip from Pastor Paul Washer and an unflinching look
at scriptural truths, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Gospel and the complexities of God's mercy and justice.

Episode Chapters

(00:00) Welcome back to Modern Nights podcast. I'm your host, Luke Jones
(00:41) Episode with a clip from Pastor Paul Washer on how God judges
(04:57) Most people think the judgment of God is a touchy subject.
(06:06) Each person has a. Standard in a loving relationship.
(09:57) One Corinthians 1023 talks about how we've fallen short of God's standard.
(11:47) I think Islam is the opposite of Christianity, Islam,
(15:43) Going to take over the world that Christianity once ruled.
(16:17) If we're condemning someone for sin, we are condemning ourselves, right.
(20:26) Imagine sacrificing your kid, your son that. That's a tough choice.
(21:04) Luke: The idea that we deserve to go to heaven is insane.
(25:08) God is love. Does not mean that he won't judge us.
(25:56) The American flag has 13 stripes for each of the 50 states.

Episode References

Pastor Paul Washer
No link provided.

First Corinthians



Faith Family Worship Center
No link provided.

American Flag history

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