What's with all the Catholic Converts like Candace and Russell Brand?

9 months ago

What could be behind all of the recent converts to Catholicism in conservative politics lately? Well I'm one of a few who remember their history I guess, one of a handful of voices in opposition .. David Icke has been calling attention to this recent phenomenon on X as well. How can you reconcile the oldest globalist institution on earth, with the most blood on its hands, that has been working for world government for centuries, with your love of FREEDOM? Remember America was founded on Protestant principles! And now that most Protestants have forgotten their history, they'd like to redefine what it means to be American. This short clip was taken from an earlier rant from the road, hope to produce a podcast on the topic here soon! Stay tuned!

"Nightwatch N8" is the host of the Nightwatch Podcast. These Podcasts are created with painstaking attention in creating a unique audio landscape, with the intention of creating a fully submerged / subversive creative learning environment, so you can step out of your daily existence and step into another time and place.

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#candace #solascriptura #protestant

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