"Candace Owens married an Oxford Genius PART 1: George Farmer on Marriage, Catholicism, Andrew Tate" 22Aug2023

10 months ago

Dr. Taylor Marshall interviews George Farmer about his meeting and marrying Candace Owens, his conversion to Catholicism at Oxford, his love for the Traditional Latin Mass, the rise of the Influencers such as Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Michael Knowles, Ben Shapiro, and Jordan Peterson, and how it affects the future of Christianity and Islam. We talk about the natures of Jesus Christ in the incarnation, his love for Candace Owens, and how Catholicism has lost its sword.

00:00 Introduction
01:19 Bible leads to Catholicism
04:55 Catholicism more mystical
08:00 Mary in Scripture?
08:30 Candace Owens in her faith journey
11:37 Immaculate Conception of Mary?
16:43 Mary as Mother of God? Devotion to her?
19:00 Catholicism "grows the pie"
27:25 George Farmer on Latin Mass
33:00 Active Participant at Latin Mass
37:00 Latin Mass as sacral in a secularized world
41:00 1960s Catholicism disappoints us
44:11 Church at the dawn of time
47:00 I've known Andrew Tate for years
51:35 Andrew Tate and the "family"
54:20 Andrew Tate drawn to Islam's strength
59:00 The appeal of Islam to young men

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