B537 - Apr 21, 2024 Replacement Theology

8 months ago

People have a tendency to try to claim benefits and privileges that they did not earn, or do not even deserve. If the rules do not allow for them to claim the desirable outcome, they immediately start on a plan to change the rules. They change word or phrase definitions to make it look and sound like they are the rightful beneficiaries of the prize they want to obtain.

Believers need to stay on guard for this deception and not fall into the trap of claiming the right to change words and concepts found in the Bible. God’s Word defines Sin, not popular opinions. Your feelings do not determine right from wrong and as Disciples of Yeshua, we need to study The Word and go to God in prayer, so that the Holy Spirit can guide us with His Wisdom.

Yehovah is not a liar and He does NOT treat anyone unjustly, so when He promised Abraham and King David that they would receive peace and blessings in the future, they trusted in His Promise. Replacement Theology tries to convince believers that modern believers are in line for the blessings and promises of God that were never realized, since Israel fell away from God into Idolatry.

When Yeshua returns to Earth, He will be coming as the King of Kings and will claim the dominion over the entire Kingdom of Yehovah, which is all of the Earth, not just the promised land in the Middle East. The blessings of Abraham and the promise of kingly rule over Jerusalem to King David, will be fully realized in the 1000 year reign of Yeshua over the Earth.

Yehovah is the source of all truth and the world does not contain anything that can replace that wisdom, that God shares with His Children. Do not let the world tell you that they have replacements for what you seek that are just as good, but do not come with the need to obey God. Nothing the world promises can even come close to replacing the Living Water that comes from a Holy Spirit filled life in Yeshua.

Trust in Yehovah with all of your heart and do not trust in your own abilities. Cry out to Yeshua and accept His free gift of redemption for your life and be filled with the Holy Spirit of Yehovah. Trust in the Plan that will never fail!

PDF Outline for B537: http://gofile.me/5EF9u/uFq86RzYQ (BFGC)

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