#17. Where's My Auntie?

2 months ago

Hi! I'm Dijon! I'm a rescue dog from Indiana! I'm posting life being in a new home and my adventures in general! I'm spoiled! I have a cute overbite!
Facebook: @Dijonjose
Instagram: @DijonJose
Twitter: @DijonJose
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/dijonpeterson

Uploaded: January 15th, 2017

Link: https://youtube.com/shorts/TiC3C9TibC8

Doggie Description:

Omg she left the car for a few mintues. I'm freaking out.

Hi! I'm Dijon! I'm a rescue dog! My family found me in Indianapolis while rolling down the street in their car. My Aunt Monica was the first person to call me and I came running to her. When I jumped in the car, I went to my future mom! She appeared to be a nice and safe lady so I parked myself right there in the back seat. My new family took me to this store (Petsmart, Banfield) with a lot of animals that looked like me. After a day, my hair was cut shorter and I came home in the same car that picked me up. I've been a happy dog ever since! Now I'm living a happy life of a spoiled dog!

Follow me on Instagram: @DijonJose
Twitter: @DijonJose

Where's My Auntie?: https://youtu.be/TiC3C9TibC8

Dijon Wrestles Daryl Dentures (Not a PG video): https://youtu.be/cp2Ioi8dlo8

Dijon Meet Daryl Dentures: https://youtu.be/K52HOS3wUiw

I'm hungry! Mom's making me wait though: https://youtu.be/JGQBP4403AM

I'm dancing with my aunt!: https://youtu.be/GG-hrRbah-I

Now I'm Dancing With The Cat: https://youtu.be/U-QjGCQuVzw

I Got A Cat: https://youtu.be/IHNDuxgzVWg

Dijon's Massage: https://youtu.be/Bube9VyBoXA

I'm Sherlock Homes: https://youtu.be/mEP972a0G_0

I'm overwhelmed with toys: https://youtu.be/mRK0-k3b06M

I got more presents from auntie: https://youtu.be/mbIAPV8hLZ0

Happy Christmas Boy: https://youtu.be/138v6x2IffA

Thanks Aunt Lorraine: https://youtu.be/9aaWaIznRkE

Thanksgiving Meal: https://youtu.be/Pv3VZJZsz0Q

My Daily Stretch!: https://youtu.be/3rCe-pqoHY0

Attacking Chicken: https://youtu.be/RttocCLrNYk

My First Video At Home: https://youtu.be/H9WNsPNuoYk

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