Creepy old man Sam Seder: Are the Police Misandrist?

10 months ago

Creepy old man Sam Seder: Are the Police Misandrist No Communist groomer of little children would dispute the fact that most violent crime & murder are committed by men.

You know, XY chromosome human beings commit far more violent crime & murder than XX chromosome female human beings.

According to the FBI from 2013-2022, of the 4,909,602 acts of violent crime where we know the gender of the offender, 4,032,798 of those acts or 82.14% were committed by… drum roll…. Men.

According to the FBI, from 2013-22, of the 80,079 acts of Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter where we KNOW the gender of the offender & there are only two genders – of those 80,079 – 69,569 or 86.87% were committed by men.

Now that we’ve agreed that the police are not misandrist, they’re not focusing on men & attacking men because of some Machiavellian conspiracy & bias – the logical question to ask is: which group or groups of men disproportionately commit violent crime & murder?

This is the question Communist kiddie groomers in the Democrat Party do not want to answer, because it undercuts their incessant renditions of “Slavery” & “system racism.” Black males & specifically young black males aged 45 & younger are committing a very, very disproportionate amount of violent crime in these United States & it gets even worse pertaining to murder.

The most dangerous adversary to blacks in these United States & especially black males are not Confederate flag-waving rednecks, Neo-Nazis or the police – it’s other blacks & specifically other young black males. Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back!

More data to convince you

PS I wonder if we could convince that mentally ill goofball Stan Seder to get the police to quit their misandry & go after women? I think Asian women are being allowed to terrorize communities because the police are too focused on men, that needs to change.

Only a troglodyte would believe that. #samseder #majorityreport

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