Spiritual War | Creating Community Outside of Cities With Exit & Build Land Summit 4 Free Tickets

5 months ago

Are you yearning to be in community with like minded and like-hearted people?
Are you receiving the calling to step in to growing your own food?
Or maybe you’re feeling “squeezed” by the power grip of those that want to control humanity as well as control our evolution?

Do something amazing in May 2024!

May 16th to 20th 2024 amazing people from all over the world will be gathering near Austin, Texas with John & Rebecca Bush at their 4th Annual Exit & Build Summit!! Rebecca joined Deborah Pietsch to talk about the expanded ideas and the importance of executing an exit strategy as the world upheaval of the Great Awakening continues.

If you’re feeling stuck where you are physically or not prepared for the possibility of needing to grow your own food, the work that John & Rebecca are doing is definitely something you want to look into.

Remember - you do not need to do this by yourself! Be open to the possibilities of being with others as you PIONEER your way to Transcend The Matrix!

Rebecca Bush is the founder, along with her husband, John Bush, of an innovative event called the Exit & Build Land Summit. May 16-20, 2024 is their 4th summit which brings together industry experts sharing on the topics of permaculture, homesteading, intentional community, land ownership, real estate, farming, off-grid technology, food production, and more…. She also serves as CEO of Exit and Build Property Solutions, a land development firm connecting investors and buyers to guide them in collectively purchasing large plots of land for building homesteads and establishing communities together.

The writing is on the wall… the world is in total upheaval as we transition through the Great Awakening. Together we are “writing a new message on the wall… “As Pioneers of a New Era on Earth, We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For… Be Amazing!”
Deborah Pietsch of Transcend The Matrix

May 16-20th, 2024 Exit & Build Summit III
Free Tickets Available for Virtual Event until April 30th

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