Troy’s interview

10 months ago

The Troy Bonner witness is far more alarming than some of the others for a few specific reasons. Troy originally came forward and asserted that it was all true. They were drugging and rap**g children and using them as commodities in a trafficking ring. But then his brother died in suspicious circumstances and the hero who filmed the victim testimonies had crashed to his death along with his child. The FBI took his evidence and locked it away. Before this had happened they then "allegedly" intimidated Troy to recant his testimony which was the statement they used to declare this entire Franklin scandal an elaborate hoax. If you don't see coordination here, then you must not be seeing clearly. Once Troy witnessed them "allegedly" murder the Investigator he was racked with guilt and gave a sworn affidavit declaring that he was pressured by the FBI to say this was all a hoax and that this DID happen. Why was the FBI so intent on belittling this case instead of hearing the evidence?

Troy Bonner, was then told before his day in court that he would receive over 20 years in prison if he did not denounce once again. He saw what they did to Alisha Owens and Gary Caradori and so he pleaded the Fifth Amendment and sought to escape the FBI's wrath. Remember that the Chief of Police was a suspect in this case and was extremely tight with the FBI. What are the chances?

HIs brother was subsequently murdered via gun shot which he believed was done to intimidate him into silence.

The judge told Decamp something so damning before he left court that day which should be remembered and dwelled upon:

If the system itself is truly this decrepit. What are the people to do?

Reminiscent of that chapter in the book of Revelation when the martyrs killed at the hand of that Babylon system lament: "How long Oh Lord, before you avenge our blood?


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