Frankenskies 2 - Matthew Landman, Geoengineering Updates

5 months ago

Activist on geoengineering issues, Matthew Landman shared his contention that the green agenda is actually harmful to nature, as well as reported on the first ever sun-dimming experiment in the SF Bay area. One of the hypocrisies around electric vehicles (EVs) is that some of the battery charging stations, such as one in Nevada, are powered by hundreds of diesel generators, he noted. Landman believes there is a sinister agenda around EVs and 'smart cities' to limit and control people's movements. The recent severe flooding in Dubai was possibly associated with cloud seeding experiments, and some in the media expressed concern that this could be opening the door for weather warfare, he stated.

The sun dimming experiment conducted earlier this month attempted to deflect sunlight away from the planet in an effort to reduce global warming. They used a sprayer on an aircraft carrier that released microscopic sea salt particles into the atmosphere. Such experiments are an attempt to "normalize" chemtrails, which have been secretly going on in the skies for decades, he argued. Eventually, the experimenters may proclaim that salt doesn't stick in the sky as well as aluminum and some other chemicals associated with chemtrails, he continued, as a further normalization of weather modification. Movies like "An Inconvenient Truth" make exaggerations and are part of a propaganda campaign to enforce major changes seemingly to subdue climate change, Landman added.

Coast to Coast with George Noory

Matthew Landman

associated with cloud seeding

The sun dimming experiment

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