BioGun: First Stream

10 months ago

One of the developers of BioGun was involved with the, well, failed ReVeN Kickstarter. To quote from a Kickstarter update:

"I spoke to the team about the ReVeN situation and they agreed to give all of the backers that pledged to the EarlyBird and $15 and up tiers a FREE STEAM KEY of BioGun on release."

Well, BioGun has released, and the keys went out.

Now, to be fair, I didn't perform any research on BioGun before starting the game up. There are/were some known issues that are documented in the Discord for the game. I just started a Twitter/X stream and jumped in and quickly caused one bug, and then noticed a second bug while the stream was replaying through in Twitter/X studio.

The second bug is a visual stutter/hitch. At some point in the stream I switched from Fullscreen to Windowed mode and that solved the stutter I was experiencing. Given that I could also see that stutter/hitch on the Twitter/X replay I THINK it should be viewable here on Rumble. However, there is a known issue with how the game is launched under Windows, and it's possible that fixing the GPU hooks/initialization for BumbleBee Configuration systems may also fix the stuttering I experienced.

The first bug was caused by trying to remap the Face Buttons on an Xbox controller. Again, there's a known issue with controllers on Steam in the Discord, but I didn't experience the specific issue noted on that Discord experience. Rather, what I ran into is that when I went to assign a new button for mapped A/B/X/Y function, the pre-existing button would fall to an unassigned state by the NEW button would not register.

I think this is tied to a preempt/priority in that the A/B face buttons are used to Cancel/Confirm, and the game does not necessarily appear to deactivate the Cancel/Confirm state during remapping. However, that's just guessing.

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