🙌 Finding Refuge Under God's Protective Wings: Unpacking the Beauty of Ruth 2:12

9 months ago

🙌 Finding Refuge Under God's Protective Wings: Unpacking the Beauty of Ruth 2:12

Gather round as we explore a captivating Bible verse that's sure to inspire and delight.

Ruth 2:12 says, "The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge."

Let's unpack this beautiful passage and see how it can illuminate our lives today. 💡 The Lord sees your hard work and dedication, and he's ready to pour out his blessings upon you.

When you take refuge in him, he's got your back, just like a mother hen sheltering her chicks. 🐓 So let's embrace this promise and let it fill our hearts with hope and joy.

What an amazing God we serve! 🙌 This video invites you to bask in the beauty of this timeless truth and let it transform your day.

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