Rescuing a horse down a hill

10 months ago

Howdy Y'all have a story for ya to add to the pile its a happy ending story that was pretty crazy this morning, But basic jist is that the horses were going crazy in the field, BUT! Just 2 of the 3 were going crazy and trying to get our attentions Number 3 was missing

So we had to go looking all over the place, finally found her ALIVE luckily, but she has fallen down a hill and got stuck upside-down against a tree and could not get loose, took us a few hours just to locate her and she was there for quite a while already and in pretty bad shape but got to going on the recovery process and winch her up the hill and chainsaw some brush for an animal rescue adventure.

Good news She is mostly OK, walking good no broken legs but was upside down for several hours, and has a dent in her side and she is wheezing really hard, The Vet checked her out and she got the all clear, no breaks just shakes, AND GOING TO BE SOAR for a few weeks, but otherwise looking good.

I Grabbed video where I could when the hands were free in case we needed any extra info for the vet so they could see her temperament and positions to have a better idea of where to look for injuries, its a little rough and shaky but put together something to share, so hope you enjoy.

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