the scale and methods of destruction by direct energy weapons DEW

10 months ago

Many of you receiving this message are fully aware of the scale and methods of destruction by direct energy weapons.
We will briefly touch on the aspects outlined to facilitate the understanding of those unfamiliar with these operations.
This is a military force within the reach of many people with good intentions as well as those with evil intentions to control and destroy parts of humanity as they sweep and attack areas.

How are these operations carried out and what is the result? China, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, India, Israel, Pakistan, France, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Germany have the ability to destroy large populations and cause disease and land and animal proliferation.

Miles of fires, volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes are at the disposal of the dark cabal. Because they are militarily trained, the Dark Souls operate outside of the cooperation of those who protect humanity.

It is the abolition of the Cabal that will put an end to the plan to destroy all life. This is where the Light Forces come in. That is us at this moment. The power being used is absolute and infinite. We are victorious over any darkness that man can conjure up to harm others. It can be stopped in a second.

Why is it also allowed? We will explore this as we continue to communicate. Fear not, for we are in control.

Since these methods of warfare were used and approved by the military to gain traction, these operations of destruction were never intended to inflict lateral damage that is off target.

War is never the answer and yet the people of Earth seem to repeat this atrocity in cycles of destruction. Peace is the only way to live a meaningful life and existence. DEWs can focus energy management on the desired intent. In times of war, this movement can range from denying access to a location to completely destroying anything in the way. With laser focus, the target is hit.

The military is trained to complete any task ordered. But what about the innocents who become targets of darkness without a war with a known explanation? Has your country experienced and witnessed destruction for which there was never an explained reason?

All man-made light and laser explosions are seen from the direction of airplanes, jets, and explosives dropped or sent as missiles. These power missions can cause drones and aircraft to enter parts of the airspace and crumble into debris.

Your skies are protected from spy balloons and unlicensed aircraft. Why are such anomalies occurring at the mission sites? Could it be that your own government has authorized the destruction of your country? Do you realize by now that governments are full of dark cabals?

Look at the history of your life in your country and discover that in the last twenty years there have been fires causing devastation and homelessness. Animals have run through burning rubble in search of refuge and air to breathe. Tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes have erupted and many have lost their lives without anyone being able to explain the sudden destruction.

While there are accidents with fires and nature erupts with floods and earth shifts, the truth is that you know that many disasters have been deliberately caused by thaws, but there are many who want to destroy your planet.

But our power is greater! DEWs use electromagnetic energy sent in the form of lasers and powerful waves that destroy anything in focus. The unfortunate truth for humanity lies in the fact that you are all open targets. Recently, you are being threatened with cyber attacks that would cripple your communication with the internet, access to pharmacies, and ability to buy food and all essentials.

The ongoing threat of errant DEWs is a problem that cannot be denied. In 2014, Malaysia Flight 370 was the target of DEW attacks by Chinese agents seeking only destruction. With a precision hit, the plane shattered. Surveillance capture noticed the circling of lights.

As we revealed in previous communications, the Galactic Federation collected souls from the plane that were observed as light frequencies!

The topic of light and lasers has become popular with many looking for answers. The recent green-marked lights are clearly focused on the ground in laser projections from high above the area. These trajectories are from targeted DEWs intent on harming others. Although these sightings are noted in areas around the world, not all of them will destroy land or people.

When outages of various kinds occur, areas are scanned that can be selected. The Cabal never stops planning the next attack. The Galactic Federation has allowed this to continue throughout the current waking dream. Before technology reached the possibility of nuclear war, the Light Forces monitored all aspects of life.

Nothing will ever destroy the planet, as the Galactic Federation would never allow it. But for the sake of free will, the darkness will continue to unfold in the remaining moments of duality. In a second, the portal of light and sound will cover the Earth.

The great shift of the ages is imminent. Live well until the last moment and focus on what is true and meaningful. The shift to Sheen will leave the darkness behind.

Live your life as if the next moment is the beginning of your life in Sheen!

The end will be the beginning!

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