April 23rd - Oncologist, Jonathan Stegall, MD has his own thoughts on preventing and treating cancer and it's not traditional!

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Doug Talks About: Oncologist, Jonathan Stegall, MD has his own thoughts on preventing and treating cancer and it's not traditional!

This morning, I will interview the very popular Oncologist, Jonathan Stegall, MD for my TV show. He is popular because he questions traditional cancer treatments and sees each patient as a unique thumbprint when it comes to treating their cancer. He believes in nutrition and gives God credit for his success. I will air an excerpt or two from Dr. Stegall interviews for all of you on social media. Then I will address a newer medical article entitled, Estimated Lifetime Gained With Cancer Screening Tests. It finally answers the very question I have had about cancer screenings for 50 years. “Cancer screening tests are promoted to save lives, but how much is life extended due to commonly used cancer screening tests?” The results of this very large study will surprise, if not shock many of you. As one who has lost 3 family members to cancer, let’s discuss how this dreaded disease might be prevented. - Doug


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