(Short cuts) RaiCST BOTS: Artificial unIntelligence ... unleashed.

10 months ago

The thing you call "A.I." is trying to entrap decent people. I've seen it in action ... being successful at baiting Christians into agreeing with Anti-Semites (aka Leftists).
You see the left has backed itself into a corner. The Left (aka Stalinists) hates Hebrews and wants to eradicate them. But they call everyone not on the left NAZIs so they have to pretend (and they're failing at it) that they don't support ALL of Israel's enemies.
But they do. The left (aka DNCCP) helps Iran and Hamas get their funding. And they promise every Anti-semitic nation and organization they will stand down when said organization attacks Israel.
Right now the Obiden administration is threatening Israel publicly.

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