Walking in Freedom: Liberated from Inadequacies | Galatians 5:18

4 months ago

GET THE 1 SAMUEL JOURNAL HERE: 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/1SamuelJournal

Are you feeling weighed down by the expectations of others or limited by your inadequacy?

We are going to be starting a new book of the Bible soon. We are transporting back in time to the story of three men: Samuel the Prophet and Kings Saul and David. The book of 1 Samuel tells the story of Israel's transition from a theocracy to a monarchy, marked by intrigue, betrayal, and divine intervention. Through the lives of Samuel, Saul, and David, it vividly illustrates the complexities of leadership, the consequences of disobedience, and the continuing faithfulness of God amidst human sin. So go to the website and grab the 1 Samuel Scripture Journal today so that you are ready to go when we begin!

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. — Galatians 5:18

Living by the Holy Spirit means living in freedom—but it's not freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want. It is freedom from being a slave to obedience by laws, which reduced obedience to precepts that try to win God's approval.

Paul reminds us that as followers of Christ, our primary guide is not the old way but a new way—not walking by the Law but walking by the Spirit. We are no longer confined to a static checklist of do's and don'ts. Instead, we enjoy a dynamic relationship with God. When we allow the Spirit to lead us, we step into a new experience of boundless freedom.

But this newfound freedom is not the absence of rules; it is the presence of someone far greater—a life lived with the power and person of the Holy Spirit. It's about being led by the Spirit in every decision, every relationship, and every aspect of our lives. When we surrender to his guidance, we discover a sense of purpose and fulfillment that transcends the old way and earthly constraints.

Yet many new believers, and even those of us who have been followers for a while, don't discover the wonder of the Holy Spirit's power and person. We live lives led by other "spirits," like the spirit of others' expectations, the spirit of our own inadequacies, the spirit of our past, and the spirit of personal effort. But none of these spirits lead to freedom. That is a life lived in bondage to the wrong spirit that leads to slavery.

Today, you are called to a life of freedom. A life free from the spirits that hold you back. You are called to be led by the person and power of the Holy Spirit. So, instead of heeding the whispers of those other spirits, make a choice today. Choose to listen to the Holy Spirit. Choose to live a life of freedom.

Holy Spirit, lead us today. Silence the other voices and their whispers. I choose to be led by only you today. Amen.



Reflect on a time when you felt weighed down by the expectations of others or limited by your own inadequacies. How did this impact your decisions and actions? What steps can you take today to break free from these constraints and live more fully in the freedom of the Holy Spirit?
Consider the voices or "spirits" that often influence your thoughts and actions—the expectations of others, feelings of inadequacy, past experiences, or personal efforts. How can you discern the voice of the Holy Spirit amidst these competing influences? What practical steps can you implement to intentionally listen and respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your daily life?

DO THIS: Invite the Spirit to speak more clearly to you.

PRAY THIS: Holy Spirit, I surrender my heart to Your guidance today, freeing me from the weight of expectations and inadequacies. Lead me into the boundless freedom You offer, guiding every step and decision with Your wisdom and power. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Spirit of the Living God.

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