May 2024 Astrology - Some Yummy Cosmic Stuff

5 months ago

Hello my friends, I’m here to tell you what to expect from the sky for next month.

Pluto is the first outer planet who is going retrograde for what has been months. Pluto represents transformation and crisis, and since it has just entered a new part of your life since shifting into Aquarius in January, there may be some big change that happens this month which especially involves other people.

The best time to see Mercury in the sky this month is during May 7th’s dark New Moon. Mercury will be at its brightest, so you can see Mercury in the east just before sun rise. This is considered to be a classically strong position for the planet of travel, writing and learning. Around May 7th, you may get some clarity in your life, especially since we are past the confusing Mercury retrograde period in April, and it will be a fortunate period to take a trip, learn something new, or do anything mercury related which are things like writing and media.

We are also going to have a very lucky Full Moon in Sagitttarius on May 23 because the benefits, Venus and Jupiter are both involved. You may feel like you are getting closer to a goal or ideal you have, and can regenerate your faith in some way.

And Finally, Jupiter will enter Gemini at the end of the month, and will stay in this sign for about a year. This is going to be a nice year for the Geminis in your life because the luck planet is traveling in their sign. They may get a boost to their health, optimism and personal growth. Gemini rules learning, writing, teaching, and travel, so we are all blessed in these areas as Jupiter travels through this sign.

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