CBS Manages Story On Sticker Shock With No Mention Of Inflation, Biden

5 months ago

There is a reason we call them Regime Media: their propensity to file stories that protect President Joe Biden from any scrutiny whatsoever, and absolve him from responsibility over the present-day calamities. Case in point: the latest CBS Weekend News report on high car and insurance prices. Watch as anchor Jericka Duncan introduces correspondent Jeff Nguyen’s report, wherein she assures viewers that Nguyen will explain why car prices are so doggone high: Jericka Duncan: Drivers are facing the worst sticker shock in a generation. Take used car prices. They now average $25,600. That's nearly 25% higher than five years ago. From loans to insurance, costs are soaring at every turn. In tonight's "Weekend journal" CBS's Jeff Nguyen in Los Angeles explains some of the reasons why. Alas, Nguyen didn’t really explain the reasons why. Instead, viewers were offered numbers as reasons. (…)

• More at: NewsBusters - CBS Manages Story On Sticker Shock With No Mention of Inflation, Biden

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