Adventures In Odyssey - 13. Baby Daze 1998 (Unofficial Soundtrack)

8 months ago

Adventures In Odyssey video series from 1991-2003 is a Focus On The Family spin off of the radio dramas beginning in 1987.

This is an unofficial soundtrack for this series.

01. Focus On The Family 0:00
02. Baby Talk (Puppet Show - Too Old) 0:13
03. Scientific Breakthrough (Plato - Human Computer) 1:04
04. Surprise (At The Door) 2:19
05. AIO Baby Daze [Main Theme] 3:13
06. A Baby (Primal Reflex - That's Scary - Little Tyke - Alright Einstein) 4:09
07. Milk Go Bye-Bye (Cease & Desist) 6:51
08. Analyze & Apply The Data (Don't Cry - I Want My Child Back!) 7:27
09. Broccoli Banana Surprise (Overcoming Challenges - Go Get Connie!) 9:18
10. Possible Danger 11:28
11. Ready For Beddy-bye (Nocturnal Insights) 12:01
12. The Integration Of Humankind With Technology (My World - Total Assimilation - A Terrible Dream) 13:18
13. Crawling & Falling (An Experiment - Just Buddies) 15:39
14. Buddy (Best Of Friends - The Authorities Are Coming) 18:03
15. Kidnapping William (He Tricked You - A Man Of Science - Quack's Laboratory) 19:52
16. Rid Us Of Rats (Plato's Maze) 23:25
17. Conscience (Young William) 24:40
18. AIO Baby Daze [End Credits] 25:38

Total Running Time: 26:44

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