Attack of the ZOMBIE PUPPETS

5 months ago

Welcome to "Attack of the Zombie Puppets," where we uncover the unsettling transformation happening within the walls of Ivy League and other esteemed higher education institutions. Are these revered universities merely churning out graduates programmed to propagate specific agendas? In this video, we explore the controversial idea that higher education might be turning its students into mindless zombies, primed to do the dirty work of the elite without questioning the status quo.

We delve into the mechanisms of how these institutions might be engineering conformity and discouraging the kind of critical thinking that challenges societal norms. From curriculum design to social pressures, find out how students are potentially being molded into obedient performers rather than innovative thinkers.

Join the discussion as we dissect the real impact of these educational practices on students and society. Are these graduates losing their individuality to become part of a larger, unseen agenda? Watch, question, and decide for yourself.

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