The Magoo Syndrome in Business

5 months ago

Is your business afflicted with The Magoo Syndrome?”

The Magoo Syndrome is prevalent with many business owners and managers.

Many seem either unaware or indifferent to the pitfalls, errors, bottlenecks, interruptions, and miscommunications others see. Not to mention, the clutter of paper and other materials strewn all around their offices and plants!

Amazingly, if you bring it to their attention, they’ll likely say, “Yes, yes, I see it, but we’re still making a profit. And besides, we don’t have time to clean up the mess. That’s the way it’s ALWAYS been around here!”

How can you argue with that logic when a Magoo-type business owner seems, somehow, to always land on his feet?

Well, to tell the truth, you can’t!
It's was the OTHER people who were the recipients of Mr. Magoo's erratic and hazardous handling of his vehicle.
Those OTHERS were the ones crashing into each other; constantly trying to avoid wrecks and having to pay for Magoo’s recklessness.
In the real world, being oblivious is not quite as funny as in the Magoo cartoons.
The Mr. Magoo’s in business risk NOT landing on their feet, eventually.
They will pay a high premium by failing to pay attention to certain others around them, operating as if they haven’t a care in the world.
Well, there’s a cure for The Magoo Syndrome
It’s about How to stop the Magoo Syndrome in your business, if you happen to have it that affliction!
It may be just a pair of glasses is needed to see the chaos around you.
However, if you stop and listen, you might hear all those legitimate, frustrated cries of employee and customer complaints.
Hopefully, this would be enough to wake up a Magoo, so they would change the way they operate their business!

May I suggest, if this is you before your employees and customers walk out the door, you might take some time to read a few books on how to stop the “Magoo Syndrome” in your business.

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