淺談Men in Black眾多個案:第一回

10 months ago

影片描述:淺談三單奇異Men in Black(MIB)事件,分別是1975年墨西哥Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel個案、1976年美國Dr. Herbert Hopkins個案、及1971年英國Jim Wilson個案。


歌曲推介: https://youtu.be/9WtPQmZZyOY?si=r70Ha5kwmEfUyNJm








Mystery of the Men in Black - The UFO Silencers, Timothy Green Beckley, Inner Light - Global Communication, 24 Jan. 2012

The Real Men in Black: Evidence, Famous Cases, and True Stories of These Mysterious Men and Their Connection to UFO Phenomena, Nick Redfern, Weiser, First Edition, 15 Jun. 2011

The Real Men in Black behind the Bender Mystery: The FBI File of Alfred K. Bender, Kenneth Arnold, 17 Jan. 2021

Men in Black: Evidence and True Stories about Earth’s Most Mysterious Cover Agents, Conrad Bauer, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 27 May 2018

The Truth Behind Men in Black: Government Agents—or Visitors from Beyond, Jenny Randles, St. Martin’s Publishing, 15 Aug. 1997

Casebook on the Men in Black, Jim Keith, Adventures Unlimited Press, 15 May 2011

The Twilight Side of a UFO Encounter, Brent M. Raynes, Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 22 No.2, Jul. 1976, pg. 11-13

The Maine UFO Encounter: Investigation under Hypnosis, Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 22 No.2, Jul. 1976, pg. 14-17

Comments on the Psychiatric-ParaNormal Aspects of the Maine Case, Bethold Eric Schwarz, M.D., Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 22 No.2, Jul. 1976, pg. 18-21

UFOs "Escort" Mexican Aircraft, The APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 2, Aug. 1975, pg. 1-6

Mexican Pilot Paced by Three UFOs in Broad Daylight, Joseph M. Brill, Official UFO, Jan. 1975, pg. 12-14

The Strange Case of Carlos de Los Santos, Jerome Clark, UFO Report, Dec. 1980, pg. 26-28, 58, 60, 62

Pilot says plane was controlled by UFOs, Carlos Alberto Guzman Rojas and Francisco Domingues de la Rosa, MUFON UFO Journal, Jan. 2003, pg. 3-5

The Aftermath of the Encounter: Men in Black?, Rojas and Francisco Domingues de la Rosa, MUFON UFO Journal, Feb. 2003, pg. 4-6

Carlos de Los Santos and the Men in Black, Jerome Clark, Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 24 No. 4, Jan. 1979, pg. 8-9

UFO Dynamics:  Psychiatric and Psychic Aspects of the UFO Syndrome, Berthold Eric Schwarz, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 15 Dec. 1988



Celebrity Wiki
Fernando Pareja
Håkan Blomqvist
Jenny Randles
Julio Diaz
Lindy Tucker
PSI Encyclopedia
University of Chicago
University of New Hampshire Library


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