Be A Cheerful Giver

11 months ago

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Have you ever experienced great joy by giving to someone else? Maybe it was someone in great need, or maybe it was just a small gesture to be kind to a friend.  Either way, I hope you have experienced the joy of giving in this way! There is really nothing like it. The Bible even tells us to be gracious in giving to others.  And one of the ways we give, is in returning the tithe to God through giving to the church.  Notice I said return the tithe. 

That is because it all belongs to God. We cannot freely give what is not ours, but we can return it. 

And God only asks us for obedience in returning 10%. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:7 - Decide in your heart what to give, not reluctantly or by compulsion, but even to have a spirit of cheerfulness and  joy as we give, because God loves a cheerful giver.  So, it is important AND we should be teaching this to our children.  It is a principle that when learned and implemented early in life, can be such a blessing to our kids. We see the Apostle Paul teaching the early church about giving many times. Paul even quotes Jesus in Acts 20:35 remembering the words the Lord Jesus said - It is more blessed to give than to receive. Selfishness and greed are so ingrained in us from birth. It is just not natural in us to be generous.

This is another reason we should train our children to give, and give freely, not grudgingly, but with joy!  

And the starting point to this life of giving is by giving tithes. But this also requires us parents to live this principle out in front of our children. So, there is your challenge! Be obedient to scripture and responsible to your children. Give, and teach them to give as well, and they too will experience all the joy that comes with it. 

Have a great day!

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