BBN, Apr 23, 2024 – Spontaneous MIRACLES – Mike Adams on tapping into the COSMIC CODE

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Brighteon Broadcast News, Apr 23, 2024 – Spontaneous MIRACLES – Mike Adams on tapping into the COSMIC CODE

- Military targets in the Middle East, with a focus on Iran and Iraq. (0:03)
- AI, consciousness, and information transfer. (1:58)
- The power of the brain and its ability to learn new things. (7:07)
- How the brain structures information and learns new skills. (12:58)
- Human potential, consciousness, and the value of every life. (15:54)
- Unlocking human potential, avoiding distractions, and embracing creativity. (20:20)
- Zionism and its perceived evil nature, with a focus on the speaker's personal journey of learning and shame. (26:39)
- Genocidal technology and government deception. (30:28)
- Government manipulation and devaluation of human life. (35:56)
- Organ harvesting from brain dead individuals, with a personal story of a family member's experience. (42:38)
- Connecting with God and living a life with purpose. (53:08)
- Living a life aligned with God's purpose, using technology to help. (59:15)
- Nature, agriculture, and spirituality. (1:02:28)
- Preparedness items, including gold backed currency, storable food, emergency comms devices, and firearm accessories. (1:09:27)

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