X22 Report-3335-Polls Show Bidenomics Help Trump-Cyber Attacks Coming-DS Tricked For Peace-Ad Free!

8 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3335a - Polls Show Bidenomics Helping Trump, Now For The Grand Finale, Market Correction

Climate hoax is not responsible for food shortage. It's the [CB]/[WEF] pushing their agenda shutting down farmers. Inflation is up, fuel prices are up, the people know, they feel it. Student loan cancellation hurting Biden. Market correction coming, down the [CB] goes.  
Ep 3335b - [DS] Tricked, The Bill Laid The Groundwork For Peace, Biden Trials, Not What You Think

 The [DS] believe they are have won, but Trump and the patriots have set them up. The responsibility is now with the Ds and Rinos when we go to war and the country collapses. Trump will use the loan clause as leverage. Trump continually says Biden trials, which means Biden is on trial, the [DS] is on trial, the people are jurors and they will make their ruling on election day.
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