''I would fight against Israel''

7 months ago

Former Director of the Israeli Shin Bet (internal security service), Ami Ayalon.

Not an unusual comment from within Israel, much the same sentiment has often been repeated by other high ranking military & political figures throughout Israel's history:

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

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