Rock Star Safari: Zoo Tales with Erik Ferentinos?

9 months ago

Welcome to another exciting episode of CHRIS AKIN PRESENTS...! This time, Erik shares his adventures with The Stephen Pearcy Band.

Join Erik as he recounts their trip to the Zoo, shares captivating stories, and exclusive behind-the-scenes photos.

Discover the latest addition to the band, ex-Slaughter drummer Blas Elias, and what it means for their sound.

#ChrisAkinPresents #StephenPearcyBand #MusicAdventures #ZooTrip #BehindTheScenes #BandLife #MusicTalk #BlasElias #Slaughter #RockAndRoll #Entertainment #ExclusiveContent

NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode of all of our shows are 100% the opinions of the hosts. Nothing is stated as fact. Do your own research to see if their opinions are true or not.

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