The Gears Of Greed - RRD Productions By LVC

5 months ago

A song inspired by the Industrial Revolutions history.

(Verse 1)
In the shadow of smokestacks, under the factory's gaze,
Workers toil through the endless smog-laden haze.
Phossy jaws and radium girls lie in the wake,
Of the industrial march, where lives are at stake.

Hear the gears of greed grind, feel the fires burn,
In the age of machines, no stone left to turn.
Children crawl, mothers weep, for the air is thick,
With the dust of their bones, the clock's cruel tick.

(Verse 2)
Mills explode in flour dust, fires claim the meek,
Trapped behind locked doors, salvation they seek.
From the Triangle blaze to the shirtsleeve caught in gears,
Echoes of the fallen, through the turning years.

So we march to the drum of the steam and the steel,
Where the whistle screams and the tycoons deal.
In the heart of the darkness, the factory's might,
We're cogs in the wheel, grinding through the night.

In the loom's shadow, under the flicker of a lone light,
Children’s fingers weave fast, out of sight.
Threads of sorrow, fabrics of strain,
Industrial dreams, where only shadows remain.

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