brand new mini-eCourse, Discovering Evangelism

9 months ago

We are excited to announce that our brand new mini-eCourse, Discovering Evangelism, will be launched tomorrow.

Linking arms with Jesus in the Great Commission is both an honor and a stewardship entrusted to every believer.

We want to help YOU become more effective in bringing souls into the salvation that Jesus paid the highest price to give to them.

Within this FREE course, we will cover:
The three encounters needed for effective evangelism (Truth, Power, and Commitment)
The foundational truths of the gospel that must be shared
How to lead someone through the ABCs of Salvation (Accept, Believe, Confess)
Embracing both the fear and love of God as we evangelize
What the passionate lifestyle of Apostle Paul can teach us about living on mission

You will get access to:
4 In-Depth Video Lessons
Over 1 Hour of Unique Teaching by Ken Fish
Applications, and More!

Stay tuned for more details and information on how to enroll tomorrow.

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