I filed a lawsuit because retroviruses are in vaccines!

10 months ago

Rizza Islam: The MMR vaccine, in that situation with Dr. William Thompson, Dr. Coleen Boyle, Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp and Frank DeStefano, that one was mainly with MMR. Primarily yours was regarding, which ones?
Dr Judy Mikovits: So much more ... the retroviruses in essentially every vaccine, and particularly the RNA vaccines, it would encompass MMR flu vaccines, hepatitis A so much more of what was contaminated from the government laboratories, basically, and, and a real, a real problem. So it was so much more, and so that when I filed that lawsuit, the government moved it around for a few years to try to figure out what they were going to do with it. But they, the whole time, when you do one of these whistleblowers, you keep it under seal. So that means you can't even say you have a lawsuit. So you can't, you can't say you have anything for wrongful termination for retaliation for whistleblowing. You can't say anything or risk contempt of court and your lawyer be fined and charged as well. So here you have to go, I had to go through life, on the last three years. So I'm finally able to talk again and tell the story. And now it's been until September 1 of this year, when the seal was finally lifted by the AG office so now, now they will be served, and these crimes will come out, but in three years, you know how many more were injured or killed.
Rizza Islam: so you watched, you had to literally watch people get vaccinated for three years
Dr Judy Mikovits: and knowing I couldn't say a word about how the government created this fraud or nobody would ever get it.
Rizza Islam: Wow.
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 10/10/2018 
With Rizza Islam (https://intellectualones.org) in front of the CDC Headquarter in Atlanta, GA
More transcripts at: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts

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